Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In Libya Victory Celebrations First, Tough Questions Later

Libya faces many new challenges, but first comes a moment of joy as the despised Colonel Muammar Qaddafi loses control of his capital city, his last stronghold. Now the work of building a new Libya begins.
By Faisal Al Yafai
As the Libyan rebels drove, surprisingly unopposed, into Tripoli, they might have reflected that this was a long-anticipated, endlessly delayed move.
When protests began in Libya in February, the pundits predicted that the Qaddafi regime would fall swiftly. That was false and the rebels have taken a long, bloody road to the capital.
The toppling of Tripoli is an important, essential milestone, but it is not the end. Though it has been purchased with much blood, the end of the Qaddafi regime is merely the beginning of the real Libyan revolution.
In the coming days, there will be much talk about rebuilding Libya, about developing functioning institutions, about rebuilding the oil infrastructure, about life after the colonel.
And in the coming weeks and months there will be conflicts, political and maybe armed, as the country restarts itself after more than 40 years of one-man rule and ponderous talk of the Libyan revolution losing its way.
But today is not the moment for that. The rebels can allow themselves time to celebrate what they have accomplished.
Tomorrow and in the days after, there will be serious questions to address. And the most pressing of these will be security.
These are dangerous times for Tripoli and for Libya. Dangerous in a small sense, because there are lots of hyped-up, excited young men with guns on the streets of Tripoli, far from their home in the east.
Dangerous, too, because the regime has not yet surrendered. There are pockets of resistance in Tripoli, many heavily armed, and unknown snipers.
Dangerous too in a larger sense because the future is uncertain and rivalries within the TNC and within Libyan society, that were once contained by Col Qaddafi's rule, could explode into the open.
Yes, it has taken six months, and it may yet take much longer for this war to be called over, but a few months to liberate a regime of 42 years is short.
That's why this is also a moment to reflect on what the Arab uprisings have meant.
Watching and reporting the Arab world these days can sometimes feel like a waiting game. That these are historical days in the region is not in doubt, but the news business can sometimes attempt to compress long weeks of history into easily digestible narratives.
Hence the talk of the "stagnation" of the uprisings, though it has been barely six months since the region rose up. What the entry of the Libyan rebels into Tripoli - and the people still protesting, still fighting, in Yemen and Syria - shows is that the Arab Spring is still on course, days and weeks and months after it began.
The best course of action for the other republics is also the best course of action for the Libyan rebels: having come this far, keep calm and keep going.
This commentary was published in The National on 23/08/2011

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